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Sacred Dreams: Exploring Dream Incubation

Aug 24, 2023

Throughout history, cultures around the world have recognized the profound potential of dreams as a means of healing, guidance, and transformation. In ancient Greece, sacred sites, known as Dream Temples were established specifically for individuals seeking revelatory dreams. These temples were dedicated to Asklepios, the Greek god of healing, and were believed to provide a space where people could experience dream healing through divine intervention.

While dream temples may no longer be a physical reality in our modern world, the essence of dream incubation can still be practiced within the sanctity of our own bedrooms. By creating a safe and sacred space for transformation, we can tap into the power of our dreams and access an altered state of consciousness that can support and heal us.
The idea of keeping our bedroom a place of transformation feels nourishing and therefore, we may want to respect and decorate and cleanse this space to allow or these transformations to take place.

In order to experience the healing potential of dream incubation, there are a few important steps to follow. First it's essential to identify the issue that is alive for you. This could be a challenge you are facing or a question you seek answers to.


By clarifying the focal point, you set the intention for your dream journey.

Formulating a well-crafted question is the next crucial step. It's important to ensure that the question is open-ended and specific, allowing for a deeper exploration within the dream realm. The question acts as a beacon, guiding your subconscious mind towards the desired insights and healing.


Ritual plays a significant role in dream incubation. 
Any activity can be transformed into a ritual by infusing it with intent, focus, expectation, and belief. Some rituals you can incorporate include, preparing a special tea, aligning the ritual night with the new or full moon, or designating a sacred space in your house.
Once the ritual is set, it is time to set your intention firmly. Spend time focusing on the question, either by writing it down, drawing a picture, saying it aloud, or visualizing yourself within the dream scenario. This focused intention builds the pressure and energy needed to manifest the desired dream. I also like the idea of building a clay figurine of a certain body part for healing or a heart for love, for example.
After awakening from the dream, it's crucial to write it down as soon as possible. Capturing the details and emotions experienced within the dream helps in retaining the memory and analyzing its significance. By working with the dream and exploring its various layers, you can uncover valuable insights and connections to your waking life.
It's an unfurling process, so be patient. Stay positive and expectant, believe that the dream will come. If it doesn't manifest on the first night, continue the ritual and try again. Build on the energy and pressure generated by the ritual enhances the likelihood of experiencing the desired dream and its healing potential.
Dream incubation is not a wish-fulfilling genie; it has its limitations. However, by respectfully engaging with the dream realm and seeking support, guidance, and healing, we can tap into the vast reservoir of wisdom within. It's bloody exciting!!!
Dreams offer a direct line to our subconscious and the world of imagination, eagerly ready to assist and educate us when we ask.


Dream incubation is a bloody powerful practice that can unlock the healing potential of our dreams. By creating a sacred and intentional space, formulating focused questions, and engaging in a ritualized process, we open ourselves to the transformative power of dreams.
Our dreams are intricately connected to our waking lives. By nurturing a regular dream practice and utilizing dream incubation techniques, we can harness the immense power of our subconscious, to support our personal growth, find answers to pressing questions, enhance our well-being, and even manifest positive changes in various aspects of our lives.


Have fun stepping into the realm of possibilities and let your dreams become a guiding light on your path to self-discovery and transformation.


If you're looking for assistance in working a dream, I'm a dream therapist that would love nothing more than to work a dream that feels alive within you. You can book a one hour session with me using this booking link