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The Illusion of Control: Coping with the Rude Awakening of Life's Uncertainty

Aug 24, 2023

As human beings, we crave a sense of control over our lives. We want certainty so we apply the pressure on ourselves to know the right path to take, and the truth is; until we jump in and do the thing we will never really know if it's the right path or if it's going to be a complete shambles.

We want to, at all costs avoid bad things happening, and we get ourselves wound up and anxious, we become paralysed by all the 'what if's. so we: create plans, set goals, and make decisions that we believe will lead us towards the outcomes we desire. While all begging to the universe, to dish it up to us, with as less pain as possible. Pretty pleassseeeee.

However, despite our best planning practices, life will throw us curveballs that challenge our sense of control and leave us feeling vulnerable and unsure of our place in the world. Spoiler alert. This is called living. This happens to everyone and noone is immune to it. Noone has worked out the code to stop all curveballs coming their way. NOONE!

Your RUDE Awakening can be difficult to navigate. When navigated with responsibility and care, we can know how to course correct our life so we can enjoy a much more fulfilling life. Which helps us to take the pedal off the metal.

To stop overthinking and start playing.

One of the first steps in healing from a RUDE Awakening is to understand and take control of what you can. This is our internal space. We can control our attitude and the way we view our situation.

We can learn how to surrender to external forces and people. Surrender to what is and has been. Of course there are many ways we can focus on our locus of control and take charge of our internal landscape.

Here are just a few of my favourites:

Mindfulness is a good one, being aware of the old negative sabotaging thoughts and attitudes. Then choosing in the moment to open our heart and let go of resistance.

Processing any heavy emotions that are sticking around. Memories or moments that you cant quite get passed. Giving space to process these is important to being able to clean up your internal space and take back control of your attitude.

Know who you are, I'm talking about Human Design here. When you know your design, you really figure out what you can let go of, and start the process of experimenting with your unique design and the freedom it provides you to not try and be perfect in everyway as a human. Rather, be the only thing you can be, and that's YOURSELF!

Discover yourself in NEW ways, follow your dreams, they are always supporting you in your life and giving you the best and honest insights for you to follow. When we connect with our dreams we discover ourselves in NEW ways. Be prepared to find out what's going on for us at a much deeper level, our dreams are always our most honest teachers.

Collect your wisdoms, from a RUDE awakening you will emerge with many wisdoms and lessons and new life boundaries for self love. These are incredible gems that can only be found after such a tricky time in your life. So gather them up, polish and keep them glowing in your life.

Without a doubt when we have RUDE Awakening, it's a spiritual experience that is waking us up to the fact that we are very much indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.

Sometimes we get so lost in the human world that we forget who we are.

When we wake up to it, we then have the opportunity to connect once more. Re-set ourselves and begin again.

Coping with a RUDE awakening can be incredibly challenging, but it is possible to come out the other side smiling and jumping with glee.

By acknowledging the illusion of control, we can cultivate a sense of resilience that can help us weather any storm. I encourage my clients to embrace a mindset of acceptance and self-compassion, and to remember that they are not alone in their struggles. With time and patience, it's possible to find a new sense of meaning and purpose in the face of life's uncertainties.

Looking for more support in navigating your own RUDE Awakening?

As your online therapist, I offer personalized guidance and support to help you find peace and acceptance in the face of life's uncertainties. With my Inner Quest program, you can learn to let go of the illusion of control and cultivate a more accepting mindset. Through hypnotherapy, Human Design, emotional processing and Dream work we can work together to build your resilience and help you bounce back from even the most difficult of challenges.

If you're ready to embrace a new perspective and find meaning in the midst of your RUDE Awakening.

I invite you to schedule a call with me today.

Together, we can create a personalized plan that meets your unique needs and helps you move forward with greater confidence and resilience. Don't wait to start your journey towards healing and transformation – contact me today to learn more.