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Inherent Love: The Core of Struggles

In this podcast episode, the we explore the idea that every human action throughout history is rooted in a pursuit, expression, or reflection of love. The discussion delves into how people often engage in various endeavors, endure hardships, and even resort to extreme measures, all driven by an innate yearning for love.

Drawing from experiences in family constellations therapy, the Lucy observes that at the core of struggles lies a simple desire for love, which may have become disordered or disconnected. As a therapist guiding you back to the love you inherently possess, eliminating the need to seek it externally. The emphasis is on recognizing and reconnecting with the abundant love within, leading to healthier choices, satisfaction, and success.

The podcast stresses the importance of giving from a full heart without expectations, suffocation, or anxiety, and highlights the misconception of seeking love in external relationships. The essence of love as a life force passed down through generations is explored, reassuring listeners that they are already loved, and there's nothing to do to deserve it.

The podcast encourages choosing love over pain and suffering when facing challenges, envisioning a transformation in interactions and the world when living from a place of abundant love.

If you want to get your hands on the River of Love hypnosis audio and join the waitlist for the Heart Cave, please join here

Follow me on instagram: @lucyellis_therapy

